1. How relaxed did you feel before the music session today?

1 - Very relaxed
2 - Quite relaxed
3 - Neither relaxed or stressed
4 - Quite stressed
5 - Very stressed

2. How relaxed did you feel after the music session today?

1 - Very relaxed
2 - Quite relaxed
3 - Neither relaxed or stressed
4 - Quite stressed
5 - Very stressed

3. How comfortable did you feel to sing along with the music?

1 - Very uncomfortable
2 - Quite uncomfortable
3 - Neither uncomfortable or comfortable
4 - Quite comfortable
5 - Very comfortable

4. How has the music changed your day today?

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback

If you would like to discuss this project any further, please contact Amy Bowles
07710 189911